The Great Thief Chapter 426

Lu Li was still in shock as he held Captain Sanders Treasure Map and watched Ithania walk towards Rattan City. Eventually, Water Fairy appeared before him."Did you get it?" she asked Lu Li eagerly."Did you hear the System prompt?" Lu Li responded as he slowly turned and stepped towards the direction of Theramores Fall."Does the whole world now know that you have a Treasure Map now?" Water Fairy was a little envious, but she also had some concern in her voice."Yep, the whole world knows now," Lu Li said as he rubbed his head, feeling a headache coming on.The Treasure Map was definitely valuable, but it was a hotly contested item once a player got it, it would be announced to everyone else in the world.The worst part was that players could inquire as to where the Treasure Map currently was. This was part of the adventure system.Fortunately, Lu Li wasnt an ordinary player, but this was still going to cause him a headache."Is there someone coming to kill us?" Water Fairy asked."If someone else received a Treasure Map, would you go after them?" Lu Li responded."Probably. I think the System wants people to try, otherwise, why would it broadcast it to the whole world?" Water Fairy was smarter than most of Lu Lis teammates.That was exactly right, the System wanted to encourage the players to interact."Get ready. Were going to find the treasure."Lu Li wasnt afraid of anyone and he wasnt going to give up the Treasure Map. Those who wanted to contend with him for the Treasure Map needed to ask themselves if they could deal with the Shard of the Defiler.Wandering and Square Root 3 also saw the news and quickly sent a message asking if he wanted help.Lu Li directly rejected them finding the treasure only required luck. This wasnt a problem that could be solved with more players, in fact, it would overcomplicate it. If there were only two Thieves, it would be harder for others to find them.As for Water FairyHe had partied up with her in the beginning to do this quest, but rescuing Ithania was her idea. Now that they had the Treasure Map, of course she would want to find it together."Lets see what the Treasure Map says. There should be some clues!" Water Fairy suggested enthusiastically."Dont be so excited; act with a bit more reserve.""Aiya, this is a Treasure Map. The legends say that it can turn an ordinary person into an extremely wealthy person overnight!"s they grew closer, Lu Li realized that Water Fairy wasnt always cold and was often just like an ordinary girl. She was just a little prettier and had a bit more money.Lu Li couldnt help but burst her bubble. "Dont think too much about it. How can a game company make you extremely wealthy?""Wow, you really are taking this calmly," Water Fairy said defiantly."Im sure there will be something good; this is a Treasure Map after all." Given the way the Treasure Map had been treated by the System, it definitely wouldnt just be a few silver coins.Captain Sanders Treasure Map: If you are reading this letter, it means that I Captain Sanders am now sleeping deep underwater. However, if you follow my instructions, my treasure is yours.First of all, you need to find a suitcase. It should be buried in Booty Bay somewhere next to the wreckage. When I buried it, I was facing a double-headed mountain and I planted a tree next to me. I dont know if that tree is still alive.In that suitcase, you will find the next clue.This Treasure Map wasnt a usual map that had red dotted lines leading to the Treasure. It only had some text which could lead them to the first clue. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); "Wander around here with the map. Only come over when I call you," Lu Li said, coming to a sudden realization. "Alright, Ill be careful," Water Fairy nodded.System: Water Fairy has received Captain Sanders Treasure. Coordinates (1387, 2915, 26).The two of them were speechless. Did the System really have to broadcast this transaction too? Regardless, this was part of Lu Lis plan, as he would have preferred this over a quiet transaction.Lu Li then transported through a few places before arriving at Stranglethorn Vale.He walked along the coast and began looking for the so-called double-headed mountain. At this moment, all of the players who wanted to snatch the Treasure Map were heading towards Theramores Fall.Water Fairy just kept moving around and avoided interacting with anyone. She also ignored anyone who asked to work with her.She didnt kill anyone, but that didnt mean that no one was dying. The swamps mud monsters were at least level 35, but they were more often level 40. There were even some level 45 Bosses around. One could easily imagine the fate of the pre-level 30 players who ran into these monsters. The deaths were so frequent that some players had come to gather the drops of those dead players.A player had appeared on the Stranglethorn Vale, but no one would have guessed that the little leopard running along the coast line was Lu Li.It wasnt clear how long ago the treasure was buried, but Stranglethorn Vale was now lush with vegetation. There were many trees along the coastline and the double-headed mountain was probably obscured by them.After running around for an hour, he had found several potential locations. However, some didnt have any trees, some didnt have the double-headed mountain and some didnt have the wreckage. "Lu Li, have you found it yet? Im being hunted like rabbit and its making me anxious. My guild members are helping me to clear them out," Water Fairy panted. "You dont have to run around in the swamp you can escape to other places too," Lu Li said bluntly."Dammit, if I knew this would happen, I would have searched for the suitcase," Water Fairy complained."Run, I think I might have just found the place. Ill let you know," Lu Li said as he looked at the mountain which was about 90 feet away. There was also the wreckage behind him, although it was mostly covered in sand, and a tall coconut tree next to him. All three conditions had been met.In order to confirm, Lu Li risked being attacked by flying creatures and flew up to check out the mountain.This mountain did indeed have two mountain tops.Lu Li quickly landed by the tree and took out a shovel before digging into the sand.He didnt know how deep it was, but he didnt want to miss the small suitcase, so he dug quite a few holes that were half a person deep. Fortunately, this was just a game, so he didnt get tired. When he heard the sound of his shovel hitting something, Lu Li was filled with joy.He moved the golden sand aside and saw a rusty suitcase wrapped in crocodile skin that was half-rotten.When Water Fairy got Lu Lis message, she immediately went back to the city and transported as quickly as she could, leaving the thousands of players staring blankly at each other. When they queried for her location, they found out that Water Fairy was now in Stranglethorn Vale.Could it be that this woman had found all the Theramores Falls clues about the treasure?She had to be messing with them. There were so many players around her; how could she have the time to find the treasures clues?